With our capital cities heaving and people all obsessed with the Royal Wedding (don't judge), you may be feeling increasingly anti-social. Before you let that sentiment affect your behaviour, we may have found the perfect place to relax and disconnect. Let's face it, even the most advanced technology sometimes needs a hard reset - look at Telstra.

Looking a little like the classic A-frame tent, but a lot more luxurious inside, JR's Hut is your refuge. You'll find it standing delightfully alone on a hill, just outside Gundagai. So, yes, not far from the famous, yet underwhelming, Dog on the Tuckerbox. In contrast, that scenery is breath-taking.

The hut is the latest addition to the Kimo Estate, which has diversified from second generation farm to host weddings and showcase the area's natural beauty with unique accomodation options.

As the architect says, "It is a place to switch off, quite literally, and forget about the distractions of modern life."

The hut is constructed largely from sustainable Australian hardwoods, which was a wise choice given the intention for the hut to be an 'ecohut' and its remote location. The project was constructed by a two-person owner-builder team, so material choices needed to be easy to source and easy to handle. The use of timber and extensive glazing helps the hut feel at home in its rural surrounds.

"An expressed hardwood structure anchors the building, defining the interior spaces and framing views of the surrounding farmlands. Timber features throughout the hut, with handcrafted details recalling the character of agricultural buildings found on the property." - Anthony Hunt Design and Luke Stanley Architects