Far From Your Average Shed, This is an Über Shed...

Über Shed 2 by Jost Architects

As you know, we typically focus on houses here at Lunchbox Architect. And while Über Shed 2 isn't a house in the traditional sense, it is home to an incredible collection of unique and quirky objects and it's far from your average shed, so we reckon it counts...

Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2

Über Shed 2 is actually the second shed Jost Architects have designed in the Mornington Peninsula (that's where the '2' comes from). The owner, an avid collector, needed a place to not just to store his assortment of quirky objects, but somewhere to display and enjoy them, too.

Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2

There was an existing, off-the-shelf blue shed on the site. While it was only four years old, the galvanised steel structure still shiny, there was one glaring problem: it wasn't high enough to fit the owner's classic, stainless-steel Airstream bus. Well, that and there wasn't enough room to store and display the entire collection which includes vintage cars, WWII army jeeps, model planes, GI Joes, art, old signs, signed guitars, antique tram ticket dispensers and the list goes on. And on...

Über Shed 2

Not wanting to tear down a shed that was practically new and useful, Jost Architects came up with a strategy to "keep the existing structure, adapt, re-clad and add to the building to make it work both functionally and visually to look like it was always one building." The result is an agglomeration of new and existing into one harmonious whole to create the classiest shed in cooee (perhaps with the exception of the OG Über Shed)!

Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2

Inside there's space for the typical farm equipment and bit-and-bobs, but there's also a pool room, retreat, and outdoor deck with a bath overlooking the landscape and a large display area for the cars and bikes.

Far From Your Average Shed, This is More of an Über Shed...
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2

The design proves that a shed doesn't have to be a bland, industrial-looking building. With Vic Ash timber cladding and COLORBOND® steel in a contemporary matt Basalt® finish, the shed becomes a striking piece of modern architecture in a beautiful natural setting: the perfect place to honour this incredible collection.

Über Shed 2

Über Shed 2 is "a favourite project of ours with a fantastic client and builder who did our design justice", explains the architect. So while Jost Architects rapidly develop a name for themselves as the go-to shed designers, Über Shed 2 has transformed a perfectly good, but unfit-for-purpose shed into something much more: a shed, sure, but also a gallery, a retreat, a ripper pool room that Daryl Kerrigan would be proud to call his own and, above all, a beautiful building.

Über Shed 2
Über Shed 2

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Products and materials...
COLORBOND® Steel Basalt®

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