Okay, summer's nearly over (here in Melbourne we'll be left dazed, confused and wondering if we even had a summer in a few days time), so why are we talking about pools? Because every thrift-meister knows now is the perfect time to start planning your pool if you want to save a dollar. Because, let's face it, a pool costs about the same as a small car. If you're going to afford a pool, you'll want to get a good price. So dive in and take a look at some pools you'll love, then dial your expectations right back. But, you know, doesn't cost to look!

This pool in Cape Tribulation certainly has a lot going for it. Surrounded by lush tropical rainforest, the pool beckons like a siren - just less danger-y.

Sitting in a brick prism of content, this swimming pool looks like it could have been carved from the masonry itself. Cleverly, the walls of the pool are high enough to act as a pool fence. No need for a nasty wire blockade between you and the inflatable swan.
A sun deck is included on the side of the pool for lizarding, and the whole area is surrounded by native vegetation, creating the sense of swimming in the middle of bushland.

This natural pool by Kennedy Nolan Architects is set among natural bushland, making it feel like a hidden waterhole in the bush. An actual waterhole is just a bit further down the bank. Yep, that's the dirty Yarra you can see in the background. I know where I'd rather swim.

There are several clever things about this beauty. And not just the view.
It's constructed from a concrete watertank, making it an affordable and quirky option.
Its elevation, like Stewart House above, means the kiddies can't get in without the need for a big, gross pool fence. Yep, it's an above-ground pool, but not like you remember.
Plus, look at that gang-plank!
The low-budget plunge pool commands a 180-degree view of the valley below and is a beautiful place to unwind at the end of a stuffy Queensland day.

The dark tiles in this Yarraville swimming pool create the effect of a reflecting pond. This makes it a beautiful garden feature, even when Melbourne turns on the appalling weather.